Continuum App

Your Personal Physical Therapy Coach in Your Pocket with Continuum App!

Say goodbye to boring exercises! Our app provides HD instructional videos that are tailored to your specific needs and goals, so you can stay on track with your therapy at home and see maximum progress and performance improvements.

Exercise Videos Tailored to You

Continuum Sports Rehab App

Stay in Touch 24/7

No more waiting for office hours or appointments. Our app lets you message us anytime, anywhere, for any questions, updates, or one-on-one video calls with your therapist. We're always here to support you, even when you can't make it to the office.

Progress Tracking and Achievements

Continuum App Physical Therapy Progress Tracking

Track your progress and feel accomplished with our app's progress tracking and achievement system. You'll receive awards and recognition for completing exercises, so you can stay motivated and reach your physical therapy goals in no time.

Online Coaching and Appointments

Take control of your recovery and performance with our easy-to-use Appointments tab.
Schedule appointments with your therapist, and pay bills securely through the app.